Connect with Students

Effective ministry requires trusting relationships. With 1,300 - 2,000 international students now at Clemson, that is an impossible task for a couple of missionaries. 

So, we need YOU to help us care for students with a personal touch. 

After more than 10 years of ministry, we have found assistance for new arrivals to be both the number 1 need of International Students and the best way to establish the long-term, trusting relationships required for the Gospel to flourish. 


Download pdf

1) Spiritual Understanding and Readiness
  • Understand that GOD LOVES ALL PEOPLE - we are ALL His creation
  • Understand that Jesus followers are CALLED to SHARE His Love and Good News
  • BELIEVE that God may be calling you to care for someone different from yourself
  • Be ready to LEARN new things: Worldview, Culture, Food preferences, etc.

2) Understanding of Friends of Internationals

  • Check out our VISION, CONVICTION and MISSION on this website
  • Carefully consider and sign the FOI Volunteer Covenant

3) Gain Pastoral and Church Support

  • Let your Pastor know how you believe God is leading you
  • We will then talk with you and your Pastor. Then you (and maybe others from your church) will be invited into the password protected pages on the website
  • Next, Explore these “Training” pages (under the “Volunteers” tab) where you can find articles to read and an online training module about working with internationals

4) Connecting with a Student

  • When you are ready, complete the Arrival Support registration to be connected to a student
  • From there, we will help you connect. Then you will be able to contact the student directly to begin making plans (with the student and with friends from church) for their arrival and specific needs...

5) Arrival – Go Time!

  • Once they arrive, call on others from your church family to help you bring JOY to your friend by taking excellent care of them
  • Share the Good News about Jesus early and often
  • Do not become discouraged if they seem uninterested, instead Pray
  • They are your new friend (unconditionally), not a project for you to complete
  • God promises that His Word is effective. So share His words more than your words about Him and patiently watch to see what He will do

6) Stay Connected

  • Continue reading and training from the website, conferences and other sources
  • Regularly share your JOYS and STRUGGLES, your PRAISES and PRAYER needs, both with your church family and with us at Friends of Internationals (
  • Share the load – Ask for help when needed. You will very likely need some help.
  • Share the load – Also ask for help so your church can be challenged. We all need to grow.


Help us greet all the NEW international students with a smile and a whole lot more!

  Arrival Support Volunteer Form

Airport pick up is the easy part. 

For the rest, you will need the support of

your local church and others through

Friends of Internationals, Inc.

The World at Clemson

Use the "Flag Document" to ask God to lead you as you begin to look for ways to connect with an international student. Use the link in the picture to get your own copy. Keep it where you pray.

Find more specific prayer requests on the Volunteers/News & Prayer page.

Connect your Church

Help your church support

Friends of Internationals

by promoting the

Independence Day Offering for ISM.

Use the link or the picture to download the bulletin insert PDF file.

Connect Children

to Missions

Children can help International Students feel welcomed when they first arrive. Use the picture to download instructions for making welcome cards for the New Student Welcome Gifts.

God is doing a new thing! (Is. 43:19)

And so are we at Friends of Internationals. It’s all about relationships: with students, with God, with each other. 

I have a dream! Thousands of families mobilized out of hundreds of churches, serving ALL of the international students at Clemson very well.

Why? Because together, with God’s help, I believe we can share the Good News of Jesus Christ with each and every International Student.


We intend to add more ways for You to connect with international students.

You can

share Thanksgiving

This uniquely American Holiday offers the opportunity to open our homes to International Students.

Please consider inviting 2 (or more) international students to join your family for Thanksgiving this year.

Here's how:

Consider inviting 2 (or more) international students to join

your family’s Celebration of Thanksgiving this year.

This year's dates: 

         Clemson’s Thanksgiving Break

Wed-Sun - November 22 - 26, 2023

 - Invite them back at Christmas

(between: 12/16/2023 and 1/09/2024)

Use the link below to Register as a Host

Here's why:

Read about why we host students here: 

International Students: KEY... 

Jesus loves international students (and you) even more

than I do. He desires that they have a way to know Him. 

You could be their link. He may be inviting you into the experience of sharing His love.

Some things to consider:

What does it mean to truly be thankful?

How many people are already coming to your home?

How many outsiders can you comfortably accommodate?

Let us help you:

    prepare yourself and your family for the experience.

    with ideas about sharing the Good News about Jesus with your guests.

Use this link or the picture below

to register to host students

thanksgiving Hosts

Please use this form to register to host international students in your home as you celebrate Thanksgiving.