Clemson Indian Fellowship (CIF) Support page

CIF Worship Band

Giving instructions

All the donations towards Clemson Indian Fellowship

should go through Holly Springs Baptist Church.

  • People and organizations can donate by either:  
  • mailing a check to the Church (address - 3450 Table Rock Road Pickens, SC 29671), 
  • giving in person, or
  • giving online. 

Checks should be made out to Holly Springs Baptist Church. Any mailed or in-person donations would need to be noted (either on the envelope, with an enclosed note or even on the check) that they’re designated for CIF. 

Contributions for the Clemson Indian Fellowship may be given online using this link:

Once on the giving page, a donation can be designated to CIF by selecting
 “Designated - Clemson Indian Fellowship Donations” from the drop down menu.